Thursday, October 12, 2023

Do We Still Need Libraries?

by Sarah B

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Libraries are important assets in our society. They have been around for a since before 600 BC (Pettegree and der Weduwen), and have continued to be useful. They provide useful information hard to find elsewhere. At least they did. However, now that we have the internet, that information is available readily in the palm of your hand. Some people think that libraries aren’t relevant anymore. However, I don’t think that’s true. While there is a lot of information on the internet, not all of it is reliable. However, library sources are reliable, as they are picked and chosen. Also, for many people, a physical book is much more preferable to an electronic one.

Libraries are good book sources for people of all ages. When I was younger, and still today, I used to love the library. I would check out books that I didn’t have at home, instead of buying them. More recently, I would check out books about certain topics needed for a school paper, and use them as a reliable source. I mainly checked out books at my school libraries and my local library. I mainly go to the school library, since it’s more convenient.

Normally I check out a book every week or so, but It’s been a while since I even picked up a book. I’ve been busy lately, so reading isn’t at the top of my priority list. But normally I use libraries to check out books for fun reading, like fantasy. I look for the next book/book series on my reading list and go check it out if I don’t have it at home. Sometimes, while physical books are preferred, I will read an e-book. My book-checking-out preferences are school library, e-book, and local library, in that order.

One reason why Libraries may not be receiving the proper funding is that the people in charge are picky with where they send their money, and they may think that libraries aren’t important with the internet. However, this isn’t true. “A study conducted at Ghana University of India showed that 53 (32.1%) respondents indicated that they use library occasionally and 69 (41.8%) of the respondents use library often” (Azam et al., 39).  They continue to be useful and provide both credible information and a place that anyone can go to. Libraries should continue to be funded, and even get an increase in funding.

Azam, Mehreett, et al. “Female Students’ Preferences, Internet and Library Usage at The Islamia University o f Bahawalpur.” Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal, vol. 51, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 38–44. EBSCOhost,

Andrew Pettegree, and Arthur der Weduwen. The Library : A Fragile History. Basic Books, 2021. EBSCOhost,


  1. The question, " Do we need libraries?" is a tough one to answer. That being said, I loved how you were able to truly describe how you felt regarding the topic through your personal experience. There are a few sentences that are a bit wordy, but other than that Great Job!!

  2. This post reminds me of when me and my brother were kids and we used to go to the Library every Sunday. Loved to read about your personal experience. This was a great post.

  3. I completely agree with you. Libraries should never disappear! I loved how you incorporated your past memories of going to the library. They remind me of how much I enjoy going to the library myself.

  4. I agree with a lot of the points you have made. For general information, I always look towards the internet to get answers. However, like you said, more recently, the information we need for things like school projects (especially for history) are getting harder and harder to obtain. Many online resources require you to pay for access to e-books and such things, while you can check things out at libraries for free.

  5. Hi Sarah, great job! I liked how you connected your personal experience with libraries to why they are still relevant today. I also liked the point you made about reliability on the internet not being that great, as opposed to a library. Hopefully after finals you'll have more time to read again! :D


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