Monday, December 11, 2023
Should Students Get Mental Health Days Off From School?
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
A look at Primrose from Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
By Ana A
Katniss Everdeen, that is who the "Hunger Games" series focuses on. The Hunger Games series is a dystopian series set in the fictional nation of Panem. The Capitol holds an annual event called the Hunger Games, which the 12 districts (similar concept to USA's States) are forced to compete in. Katniss volunteers to take her sisters spot as the district 12 representative in the games and in future actions absolutely breaks the capital. Katniss begins her journey in the series as a likeable and neatly kept individual, however, by the end of the third book, she becomes insufferable. However, this isn't about her but her younger sister Primrose.
Primrose's main focus is not on herself as many young teens have, but on others. This perhaps is her most positive quality in all of the hunger games books. After seeing many injured during the war of Panem "Prim had set up a medical area for the injured," which saved hundreds of lives (Collins 35). She would risk her life even to go out on the front lines and care for the injured, putting her own life at steak meant absolutely nothing if it meant that others would be helped. When her sister was crying about her personal problems, Prim was there to comfort her. When her mother was struggling to be a single mother, Prim was there. She helped those who were even supposed to be helping her. Despite other characters treating her like garbage, she was there for them.
Prim even creates a sort of "soft spot" for everyone, including animals. Prim owns a cat, Buttercup, and a goat, Lady. Both animals love her dearly. Buttercup in fact only has eyes for her. Primrose has always cradled him and made sure that he was cared for, just like every other living being that she has encountered. Besides Buttercups' own name hers is "the only word that means anything to him,"(Collins 43). Lady is a different story, she is a nice easy-going goat, different from Buttercups challenging demeanor. Ladys favorite person though is still primrose. She would always allow Prim to do things to her, such as pet her, that she wouldn't allow others to do.
Even Prim, who is a delightful character has a negative trait. However, her many, many positive characteristics outweigh her only negative trait, her vulnerability. Prim's vulnerability greatly becomes less and less of an issue throughout the books. In the first book Primrose wants to act and help others but is limited by her age, as a 12-year-old she can't do much to help. However, as she is on the brink to turn 14 in the last book, she has worked the hardest out of her entire family and has been quite far on her journey to be a leading medical professional. Other characters acknowledge her positive qualities and mention it frequently such as even Katniss, who usually only sees the negative side in many says that Prim "has inherited the best qualities our family has to offer,"(Collins 125). At various points throughout the rest of the novel many others agree and boost this opinion. Prim is the best thing that the hunger games as gotten.
Who's the real villain?
spoilers for Prodigy and Legend by Marie Lu

The Patriots and the Republic have been enemies for years, the Patriots trying to bring back the old America, and the Republic trying to take over the current-day United States. The old Elector, closest to a modern-day president, has just died, leaving his son in charge. The old Elector had many enemies, as he was a harsh ruler. Because of that, people automatically assume that his son, Anden, will be the same. Commander DeSoto, or Razor as the patriots call him, is the leader of the rebel organization. He is one of the Electors’ closest commanders.
June and Day, the protagonists, one the Republic’s prized prodigy and the other the Republic’s most notorious criminal, joined the patriots. They have been tasked with the assassination of Anden. However, when June goes to lure him into the trap, she learns that Anden isn’t so bad. He actually wants to help Day, and improve his reputation with the lower class. Razor is a high enough class to know this. Yet he still wants him dead. He also told no one about Anden’s true intentions.
So who’s the real villain? I think that Anden is really trying to improve his reputation, not just trying to trick June. There is evidence that he’s trying to do things his father never would’ve done behind the scenes, not just in front of her. However, I don’t think Razor is evil. No matter how kind the Elector is, he will always see the colonies, the Republic’s enemy, as better. Therefore he doesn’t care who the Elector is, he just wants them dead. He’s given up any hope for the Republic, knowing that the only positive for it is its downfall. He’s trying to keep it a secret and convince everyone that Anden’s antics are just acts so that they don’t realize that the Republic might be on the path to a change for the better.
While June used to be the Republic’s star, and so she’s swayed more easily, Day will probably be very skeptical. As much as he wants his brother back, as Anden has said he’ll do, he’s been the enemy of the Republic his entire life. I could see this going one of a few ways. Day might believe this is a trap and stay with the patriots. If this happens, June will most likely keep trying to convince him. He might trust the Elector and go find his brother. While it is a possibility it’s a trap, I don’t think it is. He also might pretend to trust the Elector, but assassinate him instead. If he does this, there’s a very small chance he’ll get his brother back, unless the patriots get it for him, as they said they would.
Discovering the Secrets of the Universe: Brianna Gibson
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the UniverseBy-Benjamin Alire Saenz
In this novel, Aristotiles (Aristotle) sets out to discover the secrets of the universe. This becomes a main theme in this novel. Discovering the secrets of the universe is almost the same as asking someone, "What is the meaning of life?" As Aristotle and his best friend Dante live on with their lives, they notice that every little thing unfolds one of these secrets. Things as little as stars in the sky.
To discover the secrets of the universe was not a concept that Aristotle and Dante could easily understand. They waited for where life took them, and saw what it had to offer. We as people are not meant to know the secrets of the universe, but if we are curious enough, we will try. Along his journey to discover these secrets, Aristotle also became familiar with secrets within himself. This novel not only focuses on the world around Aristotle and Dante, it also focuses on Aristotle and Dante themselves.
Aristotle was like a blank slate before he met Dante. He didn't know anything about himself. He spent years trying to discover his own self out. When he met Dante, his secrets and wonders relating to himself were discovered. He came in touch with his emotions, hobbies, and overall sense of self. Discovering the secrets of the universe could mean a lot more than the literal universe. It could mean discovering yourself, as Aristotle, along with Dante did.
As the story moved along, Aristotle and Dante never figured out the literal secrets of the universe. They more so took what was special to them, and made those their secrets of the universe. Things as small as birds, the night sky, and other animals like dogs. All of these secrets symbolized something large in their life, though they were so small. Discovering the Secrets of the Universe is really what you make it.
In conclusion, no can really discover the secrets of the universe. It's more of what you make, and decide to label as something important. Something important enough to be a secret or mystery. The theme of discovering and self discovery is one of the greatest themes in this story. To Discover the Secrets of the Universe, is to discover the little things in your life, that may not be so little in your eyes.
Love & Stracciatella
That's it. I'm going to Italy one day. -- was what I thought as I finally closed the back cover of the book. Love & Gela...
No, you don't know how Joan of Arc felt. Joan of Arc was born on a farm from a peasant farmer, in Domremy France. At the age of 13,...
That's it. I'm going to Italy one day. -- was what I thought as I finally closed the back cover of the book. Love & Gela...
Sarah Bolton (Image from https://www.nyti...